Thursday, July 19, 2012

oakley si see Grew like what did not finish

Side of things Bin witnessed.
Understand all of the Li Bin, but also secretly own good luck, phantom shooter in the legendary wizard system forces, and in addition has a high movement speed, good bursts, the range of long, there are stealth capabilities, but the training of such forces is all lost, and did not expect his men to even have a phantom shooter taboo trainer.
Bin thought again and said: Bin then press Turkoglu these things to him, Turkoglu directly to the crystal pile in the ground, that the skeleton marksman a push to the crystal, and then they saw a red light from the crystal refraction out, that Name skeleton marksman pulled out, he has completely changed the sample.
The original white skeleton of the child to become a dark purple, who dressed like a cloak made of green bark, and the hands of the bone bow into a metal compound bow, moving significantly faster than the beginning of the skeletons of God shooter faster.
Bin bring up the properties of the front of Mirage souls shooter to see the level to jump directly to the 7, and attacks from the original 13 to 17 defense but only from 14 to 15, and movement speed from the original medium into a fast, self- with ammunition to 30 rounds.
Become the most powerful range of the original range of 150 meters directly into the 300 meters, more than three bursts repulsed stunt.
Li Bin has been thought of a Mirage souls shooter troops can play a role on the battlefield, he Turkoglu said: what I said. However, Li Bin, see Grew like what did not finish, was going to ask God the bell at this time has also been driven back, her hand holding a 4 in the heart of the city, said excitedly : Li Bin took over the heart of the city and saw this 4 the heart of the city turned out to be the church a department he could not help but smile a little, so count down,oakley si, his territory with the ghosts of the souls of the Department of butterflies City barbaric Department of spider city, wizard, Department of the dwarf village, plus on the hands of the Department of this church,customize your own air jordan shoes, before the purgatory Department of the city of heart, his territory in the city is do not can be regarded as chaos to the extreme.
If he is not the souls of the Department of players, and perhaps is now morale drops can not mobilize troops.
Thought Bin or the heart of the city closed up, and then asked: Tao.
Like ah. Bin can understand Damon's mood, the battle Damon earned up to, and lay and fully grasp the city a calculation has been a long time for Damon this life relying on previous generations pass down the city to eat heroes, is the most

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